keynotes & trend talks
Keep yourself & your humans inspired by insights to think creatively, innovate, ideate, stay curious, live with a growth mindset and always be human-centred
Think Human Being has teamed up with our friends in the storytelling business, Once Upon Mind, to offer an Inspired Thinking Collection of Curated Talks & Inspiration Sessions.
Our keynotes are designed to provide you with unique insights and perspectives on a range of topics related to business, brands, human potential, and purpose.
Your human beings will gain a deeper understanding of these topics, which will help them to navigate complex challenges, inspire their teams, and drive positive change.
Our keynotes are ideal for businesses, teams, and individuals who are looking to learn and grow.
talks by

The business of Being Human
An annual look at the big shifts that are driving human beings & ultimately business. Let's take an inspired, human centred journey through data, insights & emotion.
all ideas grow out of other ideas ~ anesh kapoor

Be unmessablewith.
Love it. Fear it. Change. How to anchor yourself & your team in the face of adversity & grow right through it.
when you change the view from where you stood, the things you view will change for good ~ mary poppins

Human beings, joy & high performing teams
A look at what makes high performing teams & how to unlock meaning and creativity for yourself & others.
Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life ~ amy poehler

Start up. On Purpose.
The Business of Doing Good Business
Start with why & where to next? Create transformational teams & positive impact by anchoring in purpose & values.
Companies with purpose last. Brands with purpose grow. People with purpose thrive ~ Alan Jope
talks by

The stories we tell ourselves
The stories we hear and tell become the screenplay of our lives. Join me for a romantic comedy/psychological thriller about thoughts, feelings, the subsequent self-sabotaging human behaviour that prevents us from being our very best selves and how to change your story.
The time will come when, with elation you will greet yourself arriving at your own door, in your own mirror and each will smile at the other's welcome, and say, sit here. Eat.You will love again the stranger who was your self ~ Love after Love - Derek Walcott

What's the Story with Relationships? Connection, communication and other messy human neccesities.
At home or at work, wherever you go you bump into humans. Let's unpack the stories behind our frustrations, misunderstandings, failed connections and recurring confusions in our quest to understand and be understood.
That, ultimately, is the whole point of language, isn’t it? To lessen the crushing burden of existence by creating a tiny bridge between us. I make some sounds, and you feel seen and understood and less lonely. ~Son of Elsewhere:― Elamin Abdelmahmoud

Bad mother.
Season 2023.
A funny, hard look at the working/not working but working/working too much or not enough/working to raise decent human beings curse called Mothers’ Guilt and how to change that narrative for good.
(24/7) once you sign on to be a mother, that's the only shift they offer ~ My Sister's Keeper - Jodi Picoult

Once Upon a Child - the stories we tell our children.
We tell our children what we think of them, what they should think about themselves, what they should expect of life, how they should view the world and treat other human beings. And they believe us. Maybe it is time to start with the ending and story our way back to where we are now, so that we can tell them the truth.
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. Oh, the Places You’ll Go - Dr. Seuss
got questions?
Who are the talks aimed at?
If you are a human being - these sessions are for you.
We've delivered these talks to audiences ranging from accounting firms to hospital staff to small two-man shows and the collection has been extremely well received across the board. The content is human centred, relatable & applicable to anyone - the perfect way to kick off strategic planning sessions, complement workshops and inspire creative thinking or boost morale at team get togethers.
How long are the talks?
The talks are roughly 1 hour long, including a small gap for Q & A's. Special arrangements can be made for a more interactive session if required.
Do I have to book all the sessions or can we pick & choose?
Each talk is designed to work as a standalone, but can be used in combination or booked as a series. Let's chat.
How much are the talks?
Pop us an email & we will get a quote to you asap. No one is the same so costs may vary depending on your requirements.
Are they in real life or virtual?
We love human beings, so real life is great, but we've done them successfully online too - you decide.
yes please, tell me more
Send us a mail & we'll get back to you as soon as we can.